Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mafia - Omerta - Note

joe bonano - cel care a fost cel mai mult boss 1930 - 1965 aprox
era omul la care te duci cand ai o problema (orice fel)

familia gambino

leoluca orlando - unul din cei care a luptat impotriva mafiei(primar


mafioso - frumos, curajos in dialect sicilian
palermo - cel mai mare oras din sicilia
omerta - juramant al tacerii, ritualul de initiere - act like a man

charlie lucky luciano (salvatore lucania) - five points gang
[lucky - he survived a knife attack and beating]
he called himself mr. charles ross (at the waldorf hotel)
al capone

prohibition - 1920 - 1933

we cant make money with guns in our hands

5 new york families + chicago and buffalo = the comission
ch ll l-a ucis pe maranzano
sefia a luat-o joe bonano

prima comisie - ch l l - jb - al capone

henry hill - luchese family
frank culotta - chicago

bonano - constructions

bill bonano - fiu lui jb

america era atenta la comunisti nu la mafioti
dupa ww2 fbi avea 400 agenti care luptau impotriva comunistilor
5 erau cu lupta impotriva crimei organizate
sefu FBI J Edgar Hoover

dupa 50 s-a schimbat
57 - in palermo au luat hotararea sa vanda droguri
joe bonano - siclia -> america

vito genovese si joe bonano au tinut o intalnire
(apalachin, nordul statului New York)
in care s-a hotarat implicarea mafiei in distributia
de narcotice

carmine galante - sef sub JB - fedoras, shiny shoes 14 nov 57
gangland ?

1960 - nixon vs jfk - mafia il vroia pe jfk presedinte
rackets comittee min 40

Friday, June 27, 2008

Again flamenco

Good stuff :)

Keeping the order

Poti sa pui pe cs.tuiasi job de genu' 'pune afise'

Lista de cumparaturi Iulie 2008

1) tricouri
2) camasi
3) lavete
4) geanta mica pt carlige
5) shaker
6) mic rucsac pentru mers la sala
7) monitor
8) memorie
9) boxe
10) bicicleta

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Michael Buble seems to be cool.

Evgeny Kissin This guy is too good.Never heard anything like it in a long time.
Chopin Fantasy Impromptu

Been listening a lot of Jamie Cullum these days.

Tooo cool !

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Project H

Project H is still in development.

I will handcuff the opportunity.

Lute Suite no.4 J.S.Bach

Ok, I am trying now to get a professional score for this. Eythorsson just doesnt do it for me anymore. Decided to go with Willard's transcription.

I just have to get it somehow from amazon.

Afterwards will be just me against it always was , like it always will be.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Gavotte en Rondeau BWV1006 from lute suite no.4

Working on it ... did the first three parts . Tonight will add the last one.
Reading the score was not a problem since I already knew this one.

Afterwards going to re-learn the prelude and sometime in the near future should have all the suite ready.

I just have to remember : relaxation is key.

"Si no esta relaxando , no esta velocidad" :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Recuerdos de Alhambra

M-am apucat in weekend de invatat treaba asta. Merge surprinzator de bine...dar am si asteptat 10 ani. Cred ca visam de la inceput sa pot s-o cant. Thinking about finishing the other things like Bach suite no.1 for lute ( I used to know Gavotte en Rondeau bwv 1006 and the prelude...which is by the way marvelous) , Tarrega Capricho Arabe , Fernando Sor Variations on a theme by Mozart , Villa Lobos Etude no.1 and Albeniz Asturias Leyenda.

If I'll be able to play all these things well ..I'm going to have maybe one hour of music :) for myself.

The downside is that I no longer practice my jazz chords ( which have brought me here in the first place). Seen this guy playing Libertango , don't know how I never heard of him:

Richard Galliano

Another cool thing ... Grisha Goryachev and his tremolo :