Tuesday, September 22, 2009

food for your ears

These four vitamins, with corresponding dosages, are the following: Acetyl-carnitine (150mg a day), alpa-lipoic acid (150 mg a day), glutathione (50 mg a day), and coenzyme Q10 (60 mg a day).

Take 150 mgs of acetyl-carnitine a day.

Alpa-Lipoic Acid (antioxidant) 150 mgs a day of. C and E, to work effectively.
Glutathione 50 mgs a day
Recommended dosages of vitamin C and E everyday.
Co Q10 60 mgs a day

You can also increase your dietary intake of fish oils, known as fatty acids, grains, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and seeds to provide more fatty acids in the body.


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