Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday, 02 nov

chapter 6 - the navigation model
action attribute

outcome attribute

in MVC the Faces Servlet acts as the controller

an event triggered by a component which implements ActionSource interface
-> navigation event -> NavigationHandler

component that implements ActionSource2 interface means that this
component is the source of an ActionEvent

apply request values - triggering an ActionEvent
invoke application - the default ActionListener.processAction is called
which calls the action method and generates an outcome
after that NavigationHandler.handleNavigation is called if outcome not null

which does FacesContext.setViewRoot(new UIViewRoot())

if outcome null or not a valid outcome - user remains on the same page

this usually results in RequestDispatcher.forward() being called


redirect means that you generate another request


h:button and h:link do GET
h:commandButton and h:commandLink do POST

h:commandButton value="HTTP POST with Redirect" action="page02?facesredirect=true"


<f:viewParam name="fname" value="#{userBean.firstName}" />
<f:viewParam name="lname" value="#{userBean.lastName}" />
<f:viewParam name="sex" value="#{userBean.sex}" />
<f:viewParam name="dob" value="#{userBean.dob}">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM-dd-yy" />
<f:viewParam name="email" value="#{userBean.email}" />
<f:viewParam name="sLevel" value="#{userBean.serviceLevel}" />

<from-view-id>whatever the from view id is</from-view-id>
<from-outcome>whatever the outcome value is</from-outcome>
<to-view-id>whatever the to view id is</to-view-id>
...the view-param elements are optional
<name>any string is fine here</name>
<value>any string or value expression is fine here</value>
...additional view-param elements may be defined


The UI component tree is fully managed by the ViewHandler between requests. However, it is
the role of the StateManager to preserve the UI component tree in between subsequent
requests. It saves the complete status of the component tree using one of several different statesaving
methods specified as a context parameter (javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD) in
the Web application’s web.xml file. The different state-saving parameters are server and client.


chapter 7 - the user interface component model





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