Sunday, August 8, 2010


dont add the period V
all mf in input validation V
test upgrade script V
test that the required addit fields are represented as required V
add in the build the upgrade script and commit in processes V
add 1 superscript instead of dagger V
verify all the logic definitions validations V

add participant position not loaded validation the Vapi validation V
modify the addit fields (the way you get the label)Octav V
modify the messages and details so that details go to details V
modify the suggests Octav
make input records sp test
erase the editable field when there no value in input V
add order (in validations and in addit fields in definition)
modify the diagram - talk to Irina Creo V
comment defects in QC V
add the messages for rejected records V
when adding new addit field if you press back and next u see null field in input[null field in input Octav]
lacra and double quotes and the underscore V
add snapshot isolation Samir
add Pavaleanu's message extra space
add message change

Map participantAttributeValuesMap = currentParticipant.getAttributeValues();
for (Integer paId : paIds) {
Object paValue = null;
if (paId.equals(ParticipantAttributesSystemParameters.PARTICIPANT_TYPE_SYSTEM_PARAMETER.toInt())) { //the hidden "_participant type"
paValue = currentParticipant.getAttributeNameValueMap().get(ParticipantAttributesSystemParameters.PARTICIPANT_TYPE_SYSTEM_PARAMETER.getName()).getValue();
} else {
paValue = participantAttributeValuesMap.get(paId).getValue();
paBuilderValueObjects.add(new ExpressionBuilderValueObject(paValue, FieldType.PARTICIPANT_ATTRIBUTE, paId));

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