Tuesday, September 20, 2011

JWS - week 3

So far web services have been deployed using either Endpoint, HttpsServer, or Tomcat.

A JAS is a: Web Container, Message-oriented middleware,
Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) container.

JMS topics implement the publisher/subscriber model of messaging, whereas JMS queues implement the point-to-point model.

The endpoint is different when deployed as an EJB
The endpoint URL for the EJB-based web service differs from WAR examples seen so far. For one thing, the name of the EAR file does not occur in the path as does the name of a WAR file. There are two pieces in the path section of the URL: the first is the SIB name with Service appended, giving FibEJBService in this example; the second is the SIB name, in this case FibEJB. The combination is shown in the URL below for the sample Perl client:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use SOAP::Lite;
use strict;
my $url = 'http://localhost:8081/FibEJBService/FibEJB?wsdl';
my $service = SOAP::Lite->service($url);
print $service->fib(7), "\n";

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