Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday - October the 18th

62 - 82

Guide to using facelets tags

Guide to using facelets templating tags

ui:decorate same as composition just that things that are outside this tag
are not ignored

ui:define where the content that should replace ui:insert from the temmplate
begins in the template client

ui:insert is the placeholder in the template file where the content should
be inserted from the template client, if no name attribute the content that is inserted is the actual content for this tag

ui:include can be placed in template clients or template. This tag supports
parameters which you can pass to the included file

Guide to using non templating tags

ui:component id="optionalComponentId"
if binding not provided , one will be created in the created

anything outside this tag is not included

the same as ui:component except that it wraps
a series of components inside a single parent component
before is added to the tree

ui:remove used to comment a portion of the markup

ui:debug hotkey="optionalHotKey"
pressing that key will show you the component tree
is optionalKey not specified pressing ctrl-shift-d will show the popup window

Chapter 5
Managed beans the JSF EL

public class UserBean
if no name attribute the name will be userBean

can also add it in faces-config

"end" managed bean

u can actually put in the page directly
#{userBean.firstName} and it will render

this is to add an initial value to a property
in the managed bean
or in faces-config

showing items from lists

for maps value="#{userBean.sportsInterests['Swimming']}"

u can also declare maps or lists as managed beans

u can refer other managed beans in the declaration of managed beans

this is an example using annotations
private Address homeAddress;
private Address shippingAddress;

u can also use params from the request

doing the same thing with annotations
private Address userid;

Managed beans life spans
there is a scope which is shorter than request
#{facesContext.attributes} (u actually put this value
for scope in faces-config)

other scopes: none, request, view, session, application
request to be avoided ?!

managed beans can reference either managed beans
with the scope none or beans with greater or equal scope span.

none - @NoneScoped (will stay as long as the bean that is referencing it)
request - available only for one http request @RequestScoped
view scope - the user stays in the same view @ViewScoped
session - @SessionScoped
application - available to all users!
customscope - @CustomScoped

u can use other annotation in the BB

#{expr} evaluated at runtime time
${expr} evaluated at compile time

used as:

value expressions
first looks is the value of the base is one of the implicit objects in EL
first it looks in ServletRequest getAttribute("userBean")
from the UIViewRoot calls getViewMap()
from the HttpSession calls getAttribute("userBean")
if not found calls getAttribute("userBean") on the ServletContext

setting values in mb value="#{userBean.firstName}
this happens in update model values phase
the class involved is ValueExpression
the EL flash

flash is an implicit object in EL
flash.serviceLevel sets or gets the var sericeLevel from the flash


91 - at least 101

method expression - when an action is specified
u can't pass params to method expressions


u can invoke arbitrary methods
and pass parameters to them

<h:link outcome="page02" value="Link with query parameters">
<f:param name="word1" value="hello" />
<f:param name="word2" value="dolly" />

How to access backing bean programatically
ELContext elContext = context.getELContext( );
Application application = context.getApplication( );
String userid = (String) application.evaluateValueExpressionGet(context,

chapter 6 - the navigation model

implicit navigation

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