Saturday, October 23, 2010

Music stuff

1. technique
2. theory
3. scale vocabulary
4. chord vocabulary
5. arpeggio vocabulary
6. listening to other players
7. transcribing
8. ear training
9. solfeggio
10. learning songs
11. reading scores
12. improvising
13. composing
14. lead guitar styles
15. rhythm guitar styles
16. playing with other musicians
17. studying regularly with a teacher
18. reading music magazines
19. watching instructional DVDs
20. gear and recording
21. transposing
22. arranging


one year program

read scores
know all the modes - 6 months
play rock rhythm
solfeggio - 1 vol

rock rhythm in 6 weeks - 3 months
guitar masterclass 6 months
30 jazz standards - 6 monts, improv, comping, solo
pentatonic concepts 2 months
learn to play fast 2 months
1 month - path to fretboard mastery
3 months - 100 low comping phrases
3 months - 100 high comping phrases
10 original melodies 6 months
6 months - 100 blues licks
eric clapton study
10 metal songs - 6 months (jimi hendrix one and srv)
ear master daily - 10 mins at least (morning)
1 month - berklee - recognize chord progressions
solfeggio - 10 mins (daily)
transcribing 30 songs - 15 metal, 15 jazz - 6 months
folk 30 songs with lyrics - transposed also also

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